
In response to a common comment on PTSD:

Oregon Letters to the Editor: “Suck it up soldiers”

I happened to trip up on Mr. Bob Wells post on soldiers needing to ‘suck it up”. I am writing a response because I feel compelled to defend those who are defenseless. Mr. Wells is a classic grumpy old man, from an era that didn’t speak of homosexuality, marital problems, domestic abuse, mental disorders, or anything that wouldn’t be aired on the perfect life TV shows of “Leave it To Beaver” and the “Andy Griffith Show”. Ignorance rears it’s ugly head once more, a shock wave from the past. Because you may not have had PTSD, sir, may contribute to your misunderstanding of it’s prevalence even within your own generation. From “Old Sergeant’s Fatigue”, ‘Old Soldier’s Fatigue”, ‘Battle Fatigue’,  ‘Shell Shock’, neurasthenia, war neurosis, and combat fatigue… I do think it has been around for a while, not just with my generation. The reason it’s more common today, (which statically is 20% for acute cases, while the more rare chronic PTSD like I have is around 5%) is because of the controversy surrounding it, sensationalism in the media, and soldiers today are being encouraged to reveal whats going on inside unlike your generation who just ‘sucked it up’ as you say, by drinking it away while their wives and families suffered. Yes, there are some fakes out there and the VA will catch them. But I’d rather have a few fakes get away with it than to loose another friend  to suicide. From one soldier to another: I don’t know if you are truly concerned, or just bitter that you didn’t have the resources and help that are available to us today.

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